Here are the lists of United States Telephone area codes number 242 you can use for reference on finding a phone number prefixes.
Prefix 242-201-xxxx 242-202-xxxx 242-203-xxxx 242-204-xxxx 242-205-xxxx 242-206-xxxx 242-207-xxxx 242-208-xxxx 242-209-xxxx 242-210-xxxx 242-211-xxxx 242-212-xxxx 242-213-xxxx 242-214-xxxx 242-215-xxxx 242-216-xxxx 242-217-xxxx 242-218-xxxx 242-219-xxxx 242-220-xxxx 242-221-xxxx 242-222-xxxx 242-223-xxxx 242-224-xxxx 242-225-xxxx 242-226-xxxx 242-227-xxxx 242-228-xxxx 242-229-xxxx 242-230-xxxx 242-231-xxxx 242-232-xxxx 242-233-xxxx 242-234-xxxx 242-235-xxxx 242-236-xxxx 242-237-xxxx 242-238-xxxx 242-239-xxxx 242-240-xxxx 242-241-xxxx 242-242-xxxx 242-243-xxxx 242-244-xxxx 242-245-xxxx 242-246-xxxx 242-247-xxxx 242-248-xxxx 242-249-xxxx 242-250-xxxx 242-251-xxxx 242-252-xxxx 242-253-xxxx 242-254-xxxx 242-255-xxxx 242-256-xxxx 242-257-xxxx 242-258-xxxx 242-259-xxxx 242-260-xxxx 242-261-xxxx 242-262-xxxx 242-263-xxxx 242-264-xxxx 242-265-xxxx 242-266-xxxx 242-267-xxxx 242-268-xxxx 242-269-xxxx 242-270-xxxx 242-271-xxxx 242-272-xxxx 242-273-xxxx 242-274-xxxx 242-275-xxxx 242-276-xxxx 242-277-xxxx 242-278-xxxx 242-279-xxxx 242-280-xxxx 242-281-xxxx 242-282-xxxx 242-283-xxxx 242-284-xxxx 242-285-xxxx 242-286-xxxx 242-287-xxxx 242-288-xxxx 242-289-xxxx 242-290-xxxx 242-291-xxxx 242-292-xxxx 242-293-xxxx 242-294-xxxx 242-295-xxxx 242-296-xxxx 242-297-xxxx 242-298-xxxx 242-299-xxxx 242-300-xxxx 242-301-xxxx 242-302-xxxx 242-303-xxxx 242-304-xxxx 242-305-xxxx 242-306-xxxx 242-307-xxxx 242-308-xxxx 242-309-xxxx 242-310-xxxx 242-311-xxxx 242-312-xxxx 242-313-xxxx 242-314-xxxx 242-315-xxxx 242-316-xxxx 242-317-xxxx 242-318-xxxx 242-319-xxxx 242-320-xxxx 242-321-xxxx 242-322-xxxx 242-323-xxxx 242-324-xxxx 242-325-xxxx 242-326-xxxx 242-327-xxxx 242-328-xxxx 242-329-xxxx 242-330-xxxx 242-331-xxxx 242-332-xxxx 242-333-xxxx 242-334-xxxx 242-335-xxxx 242-336-xxxx 242-337-xxxx 242-338-xxxx 242-339-xxxx 242-340-xxxx 242-341-xxxx 242-342-xxxx 242-343-xxxx 242-344-xxxx 242-345-xxxx 242-346-xxxx 242-347-xxxx 242-348-xxxx 242-349-xxxx 242-350-xxxx 242-351-xxxx 242-352-xxxx 242-353-xxxx 242-354-xxxx 242-355-xxxx 242-356-xxxx 242-357-xxxx 242-358-xxxx 242-359-xxxx 242-360-xxxx 242-361-xxxx 242-362-xxxx 242-363-xxxx 242-364-xxxx 242-365-xxxx 242-366-xxxx 242-367-xxxx 242-368-xxxx 242-369-xxxx 242-370-xxxx 242-371-xxxx 242-372-xxxx 242-373-xxxx 242-374-xxxx 242-375-xxxx 242-376-xxxx 242-377-xxxx 242-378-xxxx 242-379-xxxx 242-380-xxxx 242-381-xxxx 242-382-xxxx 242-383-xxxx 242-384-xxxx 242-385-xxxx 242-386-xxxx 242-387-xxxx 242-388-xxxx 242-389-xxxx 242-390-xxxx 242-391-xxxx 242-392-xxxx 242-393-xxxx 242-394-xxxx 242-395-xxxx 242-396-xxxx 242-397-xxxx 242-398-xxxx 242-399-xxxx 242-400-xxxx 498 499 501 505 506 508 510 514 515 520 522 523 524 525 527 529 533 535 536 538 542 543 544 545 547 548 553 554 556 558 560 565 566 567 568 573 575 577 580 581 582 593 595 597 599 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 616 619 620 623 625 626 627 629 631 632 638 643 644 645 646 654 662 667 668 669 671 672 674 675 676 678 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 691 694 695 696 699 715 720 722 723 724 725 727 731 733 737 743 744 747 750 751 752 753 755 764 765 766 770 773 776 777 778 779 780 782 783 784 786 787 788 790 793 794 812 813 818 821 823 824 826 832 833 834 838 839 840 843 845 846 848 855 857 863 864 865 868 876 880 882 883 888 892 893 895 897 898 899 912 925 929 938 949 965 979 986 988 993 994 997 998 923 924 928 929 930 932 933 935 936 937 938 941 943 944 946 947 952 955 962 972 974 981 994 995 999 | County 242-401-xxxx 242-402-xxxx 242-403-xxxx 242-404-xxxx 242-405-xxxx 242-406-xxxx 242-407-xxxx 242-408-xxxx 242-409-xxxx 242-410-xxxx 242-411-xxxx 242-412-xxxx 242-413-xxxx 242-414-xxxx 242-415-xxxx 242-416-xxxx 242-417-xxxx 242-418-xxxx 242-419-xxxx 242-420-xxxx 242-421-xxxx 242-422-xxxx 242-423-xxxx 242-424-xxxx 242-425-xxxx 242-426-xxxx 242-427-xxxx 242-428-xxxx 242-429-xxxx 242-430-xxxx 242-431-xxxx 242-432-xxxx 242-433-xxxx 242-434-xxxx 242-435-xxxx 242-436-xxxx 242-437-xxxx 242-438-xxxx 242-439-xxxx 242-440-xxxx 242-441-xxxx 242-442-xxxx 242-443-xxxx 242-444-xxxx 242-445-xxxx 242-446-xxxx 242-447-xxxx 242-448-xxxx 242-449-xxxx 242-450-xxxx 242-451-xxxx 242-452-xxxx 242-453-xxxx 242-454-xxxx 242-455-xxxx 242-456-xxxx 242-457-xxxx 242-458-xxxx 242-459-xxxx 242-460-xxxx 242-461-xxxx 242-462-xxxx 242-463-xxxx 242-464-xxxx 242-465-xxxx 242-466-xxxx 242-467-xxxx 242-468-xxxx 242-469-xxxx 242-470-xxxx 242-471-xxxx 242-472-xxxx 242-473-xxxx 242-474-xxxx 242-475-xxxx 242-476-xxxx 242-477-xxxx 242-478-xxxx 242-479-xxxx 242-480-xxxx 242-481-xxxx 242-482-xxxx 242-483-xxxx 242-484-xxxx 242-485-xxxx 242-486-xxxx 242-487-xxxx 242-488-xxxx 242-489-xxxx 242-490-xxxx 242-491-xxxx 242-492-xxxx 242-493-xxxx 242-494-xxxx 242-495-xxxx 242-496-xxxx 242-497-xxxx 242-498-xxxx 242-499-xxxx 242-500-xxxx 242-501-xxxx 242-502-xxxx 242-503-xxxx 242-504-xxxx 242-505-xxxx 242-506-xxxx 242-507-xxxx 242-508-xxxx 242-509-xxxx 242-510-xxxx 242-511-xxxx 242-512-xxxx 242-513-xxxx 242-514-xxxx 242-515-xxxx 242-516-xxxx 242-517-xxxx 242-518-xxxx 242-519-xxxx 242-520-xxxx 242-521-xxxx 242-522-xxxx 242-523-xxxx 242-524-xxxx 242-525-xxxx 242-526-xxxx 242-527-xxxx 242-528-xxxx 242-529-xxxx 242-530-xxxx 242-531-xxxx 242-532-xxxx 242-533-xxxx 242-534-xxxx 242-535-xxxx 242-536-xxxx 242-537-xxxx 242-538-xxxx 242-539-xxxx 242-540-xxxx 242-541-xxxx 242-542-xxxx 242-543-xxxx 242-544-xxxx 242-545-xxxx 242-546-xxxx 242-547-xxxx 242-548-xxxx 242-549-xxxx 242-550-xxxx 242-551-xxxx 242-552-xxxx 242-553-xxxx 242-554-xxxx 242-555-xxxx 242-556-xxxx 242-557-xxxx 242-558-xxxx 242-559-xxxx 242-560-xxxx 242-561-xxxx 242-562-xxxx 242-563-xxxx 242-564-xxxx 242-565-xxxx 242-566-xxxx 242-567-xxxx 242-568-xxxx 242-569-xxxx 242-570-xxxx 242-571-xxxx 242-572-xxxx 242-573-xxxx 242-574-xxxx 242-575-xxxx 242-576-xxxx 242-577-xxxx 242-578-xxxx 242-579-xxxx 242-580-xxxx 242-581-xxxx 242-582-xxxx 242-583-xxxx 242-584-xxxx 242-585-xxxx 242-586-xxxx 242-587-xxxx 242-588-xxxx 242-589-xxxx 242-590-xxxx 242-591-xxxx 242-592-xxxx 242-593-xxxx 242-594-xxxx 242-595-xxxx 242-596-xxxx 242-597-xxxx 242-598-xxxx 242-599-xxxx 242-600-xxxx Montgomery Montgomery Prince Georges Montgomery Montgomery Prince Georges Prince Georges Montgomery Prince Georges Baltimore Allegany Charles Prince Georges Cook Washington Frederick Berkeley Montgomery Prince Georges Saint Marys Prince Georges Montgomery Prince Georges Prince Georges Prince Georges District Of Columbia Prince Georges Howard Prince Georges Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Frederick Montgomery Prince Georges Prince Georges Frederick Charles Allegany Prince Georges Prince Georges Prince Georges District Of Columbia Montgomery Montgomery Prince Georges Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Prince Georges Prince Georges Charles Prince Georges Prince Georges Howard Montgomery Washington Frederick Montgomery Frederick Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Prince Georges Montgomery Montgomery Prince Georges Montgomery Montgomery Prince Georges Montgomery Montgomery Prince Georges Montgomery Frederick Washington Prince Georges Montgomery Prince Georges Charles Montgomery Prince Georges Prince Georges Montgomery Prince Georges Montgomery Prince Georges Montgomery Prince Georges Prince Georges Frederick Montgomery Montgomery Allegany Prince Georges Allegany Saint Marys Mineral Montgomery Washington Prince Georges Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Durham Montgomery Montgomery Prince Georges Howard Prince Georges Prince Georges Prince Georges Prince Georges Montgomery Charles Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Prince Georges Montgomery Montgomery Prince Georges Prince Georges Prince Georges Prince Georges Frederick Saint Marys Frederick Montgomery Washington Montgomery Prince Georges Montgomery Montgomery Prince Georges Montgomery District Of Columbia Prince Georges Montgomery Montgomery Prince Georges Prince Georges Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Prince Georges Montgomery Montgomery Anne Arundel Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Prince Georges Montgomery Montgomery Prince Georges Montgomery Saint Marys Prince Georges Prince Georges District Of Columbia Montgomery Saint Marys Prince Georges Howard Fairfax Prince Georges Allegany Baltimore Prince Georges Newport News City Montgomery Prince Georges Prince Georges Oceana Newaygo Newaygo Grand Traverse Benzie Grand Traverse Grand Traverse Grand Traverse Mason Montcalm Grand Traverse Grand Traverse Grand Traverse Grand Traverse Grand Traverse Grand Traverse Grand Traverse Ottawa Muskegon Mecosta Cheboygan Muskegon Leelanau Grand Traverse Leelanau | State 242-601-xxxx 242-602-xxxx 242-603-xxxx 242-604-xxxx 242-605-xxxx 242-606-xxxx 242-607-xxxx 242-608-xxxx 242-609-xxxx 242-610-xxxx 242-611-xxxx 242-612-xxxx 242-613-xxxx 242-614-xxxx 242-615-xxxx 242-616-xxxx 242-617-xxxx 242-618-xxxx 242-619-xxxx 242-620-xxxx 242-621-xxxx 242-622-xxxx 242-623-xxxx 242-624-xxxx 242-625-xxxx 242-626-xxxx 242-627-xxxx 242-628-xxxx 242-629-xxxx 242-630-xxxx 242-631-xxxx 242-632-xxxx 242-633-xxxx 242-634-xxxx 242-635-xxxx 242-636-xxxx 242-637-xxxx 242-638-xxxx 242-639-xxxx 242-640-xxxx 242-641-xxxx 242-642-xxxx 242-643-xxxx 242-644-xxxx 242-645-xxxx 242-646-xxxx 242-647-xxxx 242-648-xxxx 242-649-xxxx 242-650-xxxx 242-651-xxxx 242-652-xxxx 242-653-xxxx 242-654-xxxx 242-655-xxxx 242-656-xxxx 242-657-xxxx 242-658-xxxx 242-659-xxxx 242-660-xxxx 242-661-xxxx 242-662-xxxx 242-663-xxxx 242-664-xxxx 242-665-xxxx 242-666-xxxx 242-667-xxxx 242-668-xxxx 242-669-xxxx 242-670-xxxx 242-671-xxxx 242-672-xxxx 242-673-xxxx 242-674-xxxx 242-675-xxxx 242-676-xxxx 242-677-xxxx 242-678-xxxx 242-679-xxxx 242-680-xxxx 242-681-xxxx 242-682-xxxx 242-683-xxxx 242-684-xxxx 242-685-xxxx 242-686-xxxx 242-687-xxxx 242-688-xxxx 242-689-xxxx 242-690-xxxx 242-691-xxxx 242-692-xxxx 242-693-xxxx 242-694-xxxx 242-695-xxxx 242-696-xxxx 242-697-xxxx 242-698-xxxx 242-699-xxxx 242-700-xxxx 242-701-xxxx 242-702-xxxx 242-703-xxxx 242-704-xxxx 242-705-xxxx 242-706-xxxx 242-707-xxxx 242-708-xxxx 242-709-xxxx 242-710-xxxx 242-711-xxxx 242-712-xxxx 242-713-xxxx 242-714-xxxx 242-715-xxxx 242-716-xxxx 242-717-xxxx 242-718-xxxx 242-719-xxxx 242-720-xxxx 242-721-xxxx 242-722-xxxx 242-723-xxxx 242-724-xxxx 242-725-xxxx 242-726-xxxx 242-727-xxxx 242-728-xxxx 242-729-xxxx 242-730-xxxx 242-731-xxxx 242-732-xxxx 242-733-xxxx 242-734-xxxx 242-735-xxxx 242-736-xxxx 242-737-xxxx 242-738-xxxx 242-739-xxxx 242-740-xxxx 242-741-xxxx 242-742-xxxx 242-743-xxxx 242-744-xxxx 242-745-xxxx 242-746-xxxx 242-747-xxxx 242-748-xxxx 242-749-xxxx 242-750-xxxx 242-751-xxxx 242-752-xxxx 242-753-xxxx 242-754-xxxx 242-755-xxxx 242-756-xxxx 242-757-xxxx 242-758-xxxx 242-759-xxxx 242-760-xxxx 242-761-xxxx 242-762-xxxx 242-763-xxxx 242-764-xxxx 242-765-xxxx 242-766-xxxx 242-767-xxxx 242-768-xxxx 242-769-xxxx 242-770-xxxx 242-771-xxxx 242-772-xxxx 242-773-xxxx 242-774-xxxx 242-775-xxxx 242-776-xxxx 242-777-xxxx 242-778-xxxx 242-779-xxxx 242-780-xxxx 242-781-xxxx 242-782-xxxx 242-783-xxxx 242-784-xxxx 242-785-xxxx 242-786-xxxx 242-787-xxxx 242-788-xxxx 242-789-xxxx 242-790-xxxx 242-791-xxxx 242-792-xxxx 242-793-xxxx 242-794-xxxx 242-795-xxxx 242-796-xxxx 242-797-xxxx 242-798-xxxx 242-799-xxxx 242-800-xxxx Rockville Rockville Hyattsville Bethesda Gaithersburg Upper Marlboro Upper Marlboro Rockville Capitol Heights Rosedale Cumberland La Plata Clinton Wilmette Hagerstown Frederick Martinsburg Silver Spring Fort Washington Lexington Park Greenbelt Poolesville Bowie Upper Marlboro Laurel Washington Greenbelt Annapolis Junction Bowie Silver Spring Silver Spring Kensington Frederick Silver Spring Laurel Upper Marlboro Frederick La Plata Cumberland Laurel Hyattsville Bowie Washington Rockville Gaithersburg Temple Hills Silver Spring Silver Spring Silver Spring District Heights Laurel Waldorf Greenbelt Suitland Laurel Gaithersburg Hagerstown Frederick Rockville Frederick Gaithersburg Gaithersburg Silver Spring Bowie Bethesda Silver Spring Laurel Gaithersburg Silver Spring Hyattsville Germantown Silver Spring Lanham Rockville Frederick Sharpsburg Lanham Silver Spring Brandywine Waldorf Gaithersburg Greenbelt Lanham Germantown Upper Marlboro Silver Spring Bowie Bethesda Suitland Hyattsville Frederick Rockville Gaithersburg Cumberland Upper Marlboro Cumberland Lexington Park Ridgeley Gaithersburg Hagerstown Lanham Bethesda Bethesda Rockville Durham Gaithersburg Silver Spring Clinton Clarksville Hyattsville Upper Marlboro Fort Washington Hyattsville Rockville La Plata Rockville Rockville Olney Gaithersburg Laurel Bethesda Silver Spring Laurel Cheltenham Suitland Beltsville Frederick Great Mills Frederick Gaithersburg Smithsburg Silver Spring Upper Marlboro Silver Spring Rockville Fort Washington Rockville Washington Suitland Silver Spring Rockville Greenbelt Beltsville Gaithersburg Gaithersburg Gaithersburg Andrews Afb Silver Spring Rockville Crofton Silver Spring Rockville Rockville Upper Marlboro Olney Kensington Upper Marlboro Silver Spring Lexington Park Clinton Hyattsville Washington Gaithersburg Mechanicsville Bowie Columbia Reston Greenbelt Cumberland Catonsville Bowie Newport News Gaithersburg Bowie Capitol Heights Hart Fremont Fremont Traverse City Beulah Traverse City Traverse City Traverse City Scottville Howard City Williamsburg Traverse City Traverse City Traverse City Traverse City Traverse City Traverse City Spring Lake Muskegon Stanwood Wolverine Whitehall Leland Traverse City Glen Arbor | Company 242-801-xxxx 242-802-xxxx 242-803-xxxx 242-804-xxxx 242-805-xxxx 242-806-xxxx 242-807-xxxx 242-808-xxxx 242-809-xxxx 242-810-xxxx 242-811-xxxx 242-812-xxxx 242-813-xxxx 242-814-xxxx 242-815-xxxx 242-816-xxxx 242-817-xxxx 242-818-xxxx 242-819-xxxx 242-820-xxxx 242-821-xxxx 242-822-xxxx 242-823-xxxx 242-824-xxxx 242-825-xxxx 242-826-xxxx 242-827-xxxx 242-828-xxxx 242-829-xxxx 242-830-xxxx 242-831-xxxx 242-832-xxxx 242-833-xxxx 242-834-xxxx 242-835-xxxx 242-836-xxxx 242-837-xxxx 242-838-xxxx 242-839-xxxx 242-840-xxxx 242-841-xxxx 242-842-xxxx 242-843-xxxx 242-844-xxxx 242-845-xxxx 242-846-xxxx 242-847-xxxx 242-848-xxxx 242-849-xxxx 242-850-xxxx 242-851-xxxx 242-852-xxxx 242-853-xxxx 242-854-xxxx 242-855-xxxx 242-856-xxxx 242-857-xxxx 242-858-xxxx 242-859-xxxx 242-860-xxxx 242-861-xxxx 242-862-xxxx 242-863-xxxx 242-864-xxxx 242-865-xxxx 242-866-xxxx 242-867-xxxx 242-868-xxxx 242-869-xxxx 242-870-xxxx 242-871-xxxx 242-872-xxxx 242-873-xxxx 242-874-xxxx 242-875-xxxx 242-876-xxxx 242-877-xxxx 242-878-xxxx 242-879-xxxx 242-880-xxxx 242-881-xxxx 242-882-xxxx 242-883-xxxx 242-884-xxxx 242-885-xxxx 242-886-xxxx 242-887-xxxx 242-888-xxxx 242-889-xxxx 242-890-xxxx 242-891-xxxx 242-892-xxxx 242-893-xxxx 242-894-xxxx 242-895-xxxx 242-896-xxxx 242-897-xxxx 242-898-xxxx 242-899-xxxx 242-900-xxxx 242-901-xxxx 242-902-xxxx 242-903-xxxx 242-904-xxxx 242-905-xxxx 242-906-xxxx 242-907-xxxx 242-908-xxxx 242-909-xxxx 242-910-xxxx 242-911-xxxx 242-912-xxxx 242-913-xxxx 242-914-xxxx 242-915-xxxx 242-916-xxxx 242-917-xxxx 242-918-xxxx 242-919-xxxx 242-920-xxxx 242-921-xxxx 242-922-xxxx 242-923-xxxx 242-924-xxxx 242-925-xxxx 242-926-xxxx 242-927-xxxx 242-928-xxxx 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Us Lec Of Maryland, Inc. Sprint Spectrum L.p. Omnipoint Communications Ca... New Cingular Wireless Pcs,... Nextel Communications, Inc. Xo Maryland, Llc Us Lec Of Maryland, Inc. New Cingular Wireless Pcs,... Sprint Spectrum L.p. Md Sprint Spectrum L.p. Xo Maryland, Llc Global Naps South, Inc. Md Global Naps South, Inc. Md Verizon Maryland, Inc. Verizon Maryland, Inc. Teleport Communications Gro... New Cingular Wireless Pcs,... Global Naps South, Inc. Md Xo Maryland, Llc Us Lec Of Maryland, Inc. Sprint Spectrum L.p. Us Lec Of Maryland, Inc. Us Lec Of Maryland, Inc. Level 3 Communications, Llc... Allegiance Telecom, Inc. Md Allegiance Telecom, Inc. Md Allegiance Telecom, Inc. Md Paetec Communications, Inc.... Cavalier Telephone Midatla... Xo Maryland, Llc Omnipoint Communications Ca... Verizon Maryland, Inc. Verizon Maryland, Inc. Verizon Maryland, Inc. Global Crossing Local Servi... Level 3 Communications, Llc... Cellco Partnership Dba Veri... Nextel Communications, Inc. Paetec Communications, Inc.... Verizon Maryland, Inc. Omnipoint Communications Ca... Cellco Partnership Dba Veri... Global Naps South, Inc. Md Broadwing Communications. L... Sprint Spectrum L.p. Sprint Spectrum L.p. Sprint Spectrum L.p. Sprint Spectrum L.p. Sprint Spectrum L.p. Sprint Spectrum L.p. Global Crossing Local Servi... Mci Worldcom Communications... Mci Worldcom Communications... Mci Worldcom Communications... Unknown Nextel Communications, Inc. Sprint Spectrum L.p. Global Crossing Local Servi... Verizon Maryland, Inc. Verizon Maryland, Inc. Verizon Maryland, Inc. Broadwing Communications. L... Omnipoint Communications Ca... Xo Maryland, Llc Xo Maryland, Llc Cavalier East Llc Md New Cingular Wireless Pcs,... Verizon Maryland, Inc. Global Crossing Local Servi... Starpower Communications, L... Comcast Phone Of Northern M... Sprint Spectrum L.p. Cellco Partnership Dba Veri... Nextel Communications, Inc. New Cingular Wireless Pcs,... Cellco Partnership Dba Veri... Cellco Partnership Dba Veri... Atx Telecommunications Serv... Starpower Communications, L... Verizon Maryland, Inc. Verizon Maryland, Inc. Global Crossing Local Servi... Verizon Maryland, Inc. Cellco Partnership Dba Veri... Cellco Partnership Dba Veri... Global Crossing Local Servi... Verizon Maryland, Inc. Verizon Maryland, Inc. Level 3 Communications, Llc... Verizon Maryland, Inc. Global Crossing Local Servi... Global Crossing Local Servi... Global Crossing Local Servi... Cellco Partnership Dba Veri... Cavalier East Llc Md Verizon Maryland, Inc. New Cingular Wireless Pcs,... New Cingular Wireless Pcs,... Unknown Cavalier East Llc Md New Cingular Wireless Pcs,... Broadwing Communications. L... Cavalier East Llc Md New Cingular Wireless Pcs,... Telcove Operations, Inc. Md Telcove Operations, Inc. Md Telcove Operations, Inc. Md Comcast Phone Of Northern M... Xo Maryland, Llc Xo Maryland, Llc Xo Maryland, Llc Comcast Phone Of Northern M... Verizon Maryland, Inc. Broadwing Communications. L... Verizon Maryland, Inc. Xo Maryland, Llc Cavalier East Llc Md Broadwing Communications. L... Global Crossing Local Servi... Mte, Inc. Dba Mte Paging Ne... Omnipoint Communications Ca... Broadwing Communications. L... Broadwing Communications. L... Broadwing Communications. L... Broadwing Communications. L... Nextel Communications, Inc. Broadwing Communications. L... Global Crossing Local Servi... Atx Telecommunications Serv... Verizon Maryland, Inc. Lightwave Communications, L... Xo Maryland, Llc Unknown Verizon Maryland, Inc. Nextel Communications, Inc. Xo Maryland, Llc Unknown Omnipoint Communications Ca... Cellco Partnership Dba Veri... Unknown Allegiance Telecom, Inc. Md Xo Maryland, Llc Xo Maryland, Llc Nextel Communications, Inc. Sprint Spectrum L.p. Tw Telecom Of Maryland Llc... Tw Telecom Of Maryland Llc... Cavalier East Llc Md Level 3 Communications, Llc... Cavalier East Llc Md Nextel Communications, Inc. Broadwing Communications. L... Nextel Communications, Inc. Broadwing Communications. L... New Cingular Wireless Pcs,... Broadwing Communications. L... New Cingular Wireless Pcs,... Verizon Maryland, Inc. Broadwing Communications. L... Broadwing Communications. L... Omnipoint Communications Ca... Us Lec Of Maryland, Inc. Cellco Partnership Dba Veri... Cavalier East Llc Md Omnipoint Communications Ca... Cavalier East Llc Md Paetec Communications, Inc.... Level 3 Communications, Llc... Xo Maryland, Llc Sprint Spectrum L.p. Xo Maryland, Llc Cellco Partnership Dba Veri... Cellco Partnership Dba Veri... Unknown Nextel Communications, Inc. Ameritech Michigan Ameritech Michigan Ameritech Michigan Acd Telecom, Inc. Mi Ameritech Michigan Ameritech Michigan Ameritech Michigan Long Distance Of Michigan,... Frontier North, Inc. Mi Ameritech Michigan Ameritech Michigan Ameritech Michigan, Inc. Mi Ameritech Michigan Ameritech Michigan Unknown New Cingular Wireless Pcs,... Lucre, Inc. Centurytel Midwestmidwest... Local Exchange Carriers Of... Frontier North, Inc. Mi Acd Telecom, Inc. Mi Ameritech Michigan Unknown |
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